New Patient Information

Thank You for Choosing Care Dental Center

We would like to extend you a warm welcome to our family dental practice. Our patients find out immediately that our office is completely different than any other office. We are committed to doing everything possible to provide you with excellent and advanced dental care, while making your visit to our office a comfortable experience. Come let us WOW you with care that you haven't experienced before.

What to Bring on Your First Visit

We ask that you bring your completed new patient paperwork (below) and your dental insurance information to your first visit. If you prefer to complete the new patient paperwork in the office, please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment.

You may also want to write down any questions or concerns you have regarding your dental health and bring this list with you. This will help to ensure all your concerns are addressed.

What to Expect on Your First Visit

Your first visit will include the following:

  • Review of your complete dental and medical history form
  • Review of your dental x-rays and/or taking new x-rays as required
  • Complete dental exam
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Dental treament

After a thorough exam, your dentist will discuss his findings and all options for treatment (if treatment is needed). His goal is to help you come to an informed decision regarding care.

Initial Paperwork

Our New Patient Forms are now available online so you can complete them at your leisure. This will save you time in our office and giving you the ability to carefully review our policies and procedures. Click on the links below to print, fill out and bring them to the office. Note: New patients must complete ALL forms below.


We Accept most major credit cards and Care Credit.

Medicaid (CHIP)

We strong believe in the importance of community and hence we are proud to be one of the very few to be certified to accept Medicaid for our clients in Spring,TX.

Most Dental PPOs

We are proud to accept most Dental PPOs. As a courtesy to our patients, we will process any insurance paperwork on your behalf. Please bring your insurance card or papers on the first visit. We do not work for the insurance company and will not compromise what is in your best interest for what the insurance company agrees to pay. Insurance companies main goal is to make money for their shareholders not provide for your best interest. Our team's mission to provide options to make you as healthy as possible through preventative care.

Please understand, however, that you are ultimately responsible for payment of all services. Should your insurance not cover what is predicted, you will be responsible to pay any uncovered portion.

Interest Free Financing

CareCredit is the credit card exclusively for healthcare services. With low monthly payments every time you use it, you can use your card over and over for follow-up appointments or different procedures. This means you don’t have to put your health on hold until you save up enough money. We give you the power to decide when it’s the right time for you.

Additional Payment Options

Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to ensure any portion of treatment not covered by insurance is affordable. We accept cash, check or major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover).